Monday, April 10, 2006

I have been taking care of my mind and body

one year ago, almost, my best friend told me something that struck me.
We were walking in the parking lot of my former company, and heading to the car, he was behind me. With all the bluntness he is capable of, he only told me: 'man, you got fat. Your butt got pretty big.' That's one of the things i LOVE about this man, that's his free speech and i am not being sarcastic.

So, i have been taking care of my mind and body since then. I have 5 kilos to go but they will still be around when i'll turn 32 years old. So, i postpone a wee bit for these bastards!

Exercise alone provides psychological and physical benefits. However, if you also adopt a strategy that engages your mind while you exercise, you can get a whole host of psychological benefits fairly quickly.

Trust me Posted by Picasa


Vengelyne said...

How deep... I always tell myself that I'm exercising for health purposes, but in actual fact, it's more for cosmetics purposes. Vain, eh? >.< Well, gotta deceive myself one way or another, but I'm telling you, it's not working! Lol.

The Dopod 838 looks nice with QWERTY keyboard and such, but I like the 818 more! =P So far so good. So much smaller than my previous O2 XDA. =D Dopod's catching on in Malaysia, but O2's name still rules!

Btw, doesn't it make your shirt fall to one side when you put it into your shirt pocket? I know it weighs the same as the 818, but still feels too heavy for a shirt pocket...

Cherry! said...

Hey! I don't know if you went back and read my reply to your comment. If not, I wrote that it was SO weird that wrote a comment yesterday because I was thinking about you and thought 'I must go and check out his blog. See what the goss is'.....spooooooooky! hahaha!

Anyway, I agree with the exercise thing. So fab for the mind! But like vengelyne, I do it (not only) for the cosmetic outcome. Because I'm SO VERY VERY VAIN! hahaha. True story.