Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What a funny week...

If there are Gods, they are for sure having some clean fun, and they make me laugh!
If the Universe provides when it is necessary then It did serve me a full plate of it, I bow down.

Here i go explaining.

Last week i got a nice message from the past, reminescence from my closest past life, which i left painfuly when i think about it, but also from this whole past that lead me on the middle path i now walk.
I replied.

Then, this week end someone I don't know asked to be added to my skype account. The only thing i knew was the first name of this person, and this first name isn't just random but the one the one i sued to call Princess was given when born, I accepted since it was (I thought, lol) logically related to my reply earlier the same week. I didn't manage to be online when she was(I saw her disappear), so i sent another brief email explaining that i was sorry to have missed the connection but was hoping to get a chance in the near future.

Why is it funny?

Well there comes the funny part: I went to a class on sunday morning where i met a couple of people including a lady, nice and interesting people I must admit. We all chatted but i didn't ask for the first name, not really interested to know more about them as i was getting into the class already, thinking about what i wanted to ask and the couple of clarifications i was after.
The teachings went on, really insightful actually, and then came the time when the teacher asked students to show/share and this little lady struck me. She really did and made me laugh out loud in the middle of the class, didn't feel it come but for sure heard it as everyone else!

What made me laugh out loud is when the teacher thanked her and finished by disclosing her first name which is the same as the previous two others mentioned above.
Man! What a handful of homonyms that was in such a short laps, and for sure a handful of winks from the past!

But if one believes that they are no coincidences, then one also has to take into account the number of times this occurred as well as the time span: 3 times in 3 days, 3 being a really symbolic number in almost all religions and philosophies.

I am sincerely happy it happened as it showed how detached I am from it all.

So there I am with two emails sent to the past and still giggling about it.

But this is not all: It actually made me laugh so much that i had a joyful and light meditation last night and a really amazing wake up in the middle of the night: I was laughing hard, almost crying!
I woke up laughing! It is still wonder to me...

For the last couple of years, i used to wake up every nights because of nightmares and here i find myself laughing while sleeping, disturbed by my own noise!!!

What a wonderful Life that is.

So thanks to the Universe and/or the Gods as they surely made my last couple of days.
Let's hope they are having the same blast as I.

I am so looking forward to the coming month or years as days keep on improving!!!!!

Stay bright people, the light is shinning and all there is to do is to embrace it and wallow but more important: breath!!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

It was a year ago...

It was a year ago...
Yes, a year ago I was for the first time fasting and enjoying my evenings with a superb soul: I was waiting for her to show up, late as usual, thrilled about the time i would be spending with Her.
And when she was eventually showing up, we were talking, and talking about many things: laughing and talking more, the both of us fasting.
So, I am fasting again, and even if she is not here with me anymore I enjoy this time of the year with sweet pleasure: It has now been 7 days that i didn't touch food, still I smile.
Last week as i was waiting outside of a restaurant, reading a book about 'Mindful breathing' written by a Thai monk that i got in Bangkok earlier this month, came this old little man.
With no reason, he spoke to me for a couple of seconds and simply told me that i was acting like a child: I was sitting on my chair, my feet balancing as children do... He said it was graceful to see someone with a light soul and with such a peaceful aura. He then went back to his family, spoke to an elder woman who looked at me and smiled. I smiled back...
It reminded me of Her, when i was starring at her without her knowing.
I embraced this little seconds of sweetness and dived into my book again, smiling.

My body, of course, as changed a lot also:
I have become leaner and stronger.
I am more balanced and much more grounded I know.
Why 'of course'? Well, Mind and Body being so well interconnected, it is simply a consequence of what my Mind seems to be.

I feel good and look forward to the coming years:
When will come the time of my last breath, I will happily leave this ground surrounded with the good i try to spread around.

A quote to finish this little mumbling, a quote that might also simply summarize what i wrote:

'A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.' - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Lots of Mettha.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A quote...

In order to be effective truth must penetrate like an arrow - and that is likely to hurt. 'Posthumous Pieces' by Wei Wu Wei

I sense so much pain again

Sitting home, listening to the Piano Concerto No 5 of Beethoven i feel great..

But as i went through my daily meditation, i sensed a lot of pain and confusion coming from who used to be my Princess, and i am really sorry for her: i feel her pain and would like to know her free and happy.
I pause, check on myself and my alignement, I get deeper into me and still the feeling remains.
This misery that comes from within and keeps on returning: it is all coming from inside and has to do with the Inner. Happiness is not depending on the outside elements, it has to do with how we react to them.
The True Self is wrapped into many sheathes tell the Scriptures, and it is only by peeling the onion that It can breath, making us see Reality as it is.
These layers of misery and influences are making us perceive the World as it is not.

Moving on to Missa Solemnis, Beethoven still...

Breaking through is breathing through and opening the eyes on this World that always was here standing, waiting for us to embrace it.
I am happy i broke through but, man, i have a long walk on this middle path!!!

Breath Princess!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Returning to the past, and smiling.

Business trip back in Asia, and feet wandering in the city...
Nights away from the my designers' office alone, going through the city and using all available transportations I passed by all places I once discovered and enjoyed with my partner, back then.
And I smiled at Life since it was offering me to close the loop: I had never hoped nor thought about this!
I waived good bye everytime i was realising that i was there with her during my last trip: Life made me a great gift that i embraced with delight.

So here are a couple of lines for me, full of my smiles.
So here are the candles I lit up when I came back home: as they were burning away the strings attaching me, I embracing Reality.

So here is a part of the energy, quiet and powerful energy that I now constantly carry with me.

I was once complaining about this aura surrounding me, but i now feel right about it and what the others see and feel: peace.

I am peaceful and healthy, I am happy and enjoying the company of my real friends: i had once convinced myself that i had a soul mate: ahhhhhhhh perceptions once again...

My dedication to save others is gone and I now just speak about what I see and feel: others can live in a different reality where they suffer and dilute themselves, all I now do is listen try to understand and simply state what I see.

I hope You all are happy, and regardless I still send my most powerful thoughts when I meditate.

Stay bright.