Sunday, August 21, 2005

Revelation? No, Confirmation!

I'll try to make the sunshine brighter for you; I will even play the fool if it makes you smile!
I'll try to make you laugh if there's a tear in your eye.
I'll try to make the star shine brighter for you, and I'll take you on my shoulders, hold you way up high!
I'll even chase the rainbow hanging in the sky…
I'll try to make the days last longer for you.From the daybreak, 'til the sunset, 'til the end of time
I'll keep you safe, away from the heartache.
Don't be scared, don't be shy
Lift your head cause I know it's gonna be alright…

Signs, signs all around me and all throughout my day, almost everyday!
The World is unveiling its plans slowly and I am trying to understand what is happening.
For the past few months, I have been reviewing my life.
Using a really Cartesian approach, I have isolated events when it was possible.
Then, one by one, I have studied them under a microscope and looked as deep as possible in order to find the glitch. I wanted to know how each event contributed to my life and if deal with any issue before moving on to the next.
Once I reached the point where the event couldn’t be studied or twinkled any further, I left it one the side: piece of my personal jigsaw.

Of course, one of them is my last relationship and mainly finding out if I managed to get over it.
Would someone have asked me last Saturday afternoon, I would have said: Of course, I am totally done with it and I would have looked straight in the eyes of the others. Of course, others would have grinned: funny how people don’t believe that one can not be in love with an ex anymore!

Well, the World played a trick on me last night!

I went to a barbeque, and then I got myself dragged into a bar: “twist my arm wankers, I will not go with you to the bars, I want to go home and read my bible!!” did I tell them. They forced me to go and as they were securing my handcuffs, and bringing the beers, my ex-girlfriend appeared.

Once again not prepared, becomes a habit here, doesn’t it?

Well, I was fucking right about me!! I have over with my ex and my past relationship. I mean, there isn’t a left over of love that was hiding and pounced on my heart when she appeared. There was just a bit of surprise and not even hate or bad feelings. She came to me, and I was glad to know that she found people to hang out with. No more no less.

Actually, as I was talking to her and others I realized that I was missing my muse.
Tiger misses Monkey, and Tiger knows there is no cage He has to escape from.
Tiger misses the smiles and frowning of Monkey…
It’s gonna be alright!!!!!!
Well, i really start to believe that i have to get these wings off the hanger.
I have been repairing them but didn't dare to wear them: i guess the World is pushing me change my mind.

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